
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Great Big Thank You Giveaway!!!

It's been so fun having this little blog and meeting some wonderful new bloggy friends!  I've found so much inspiration and learned tons from so many of you!!!  As a thank you, I'm having my first giveaway!

                    I only subscribe to one magazine and this is it~
Just leave a comment letting me know you follow this little blog, and you will have a chance to win a 2 year subscription to this super fun magazine!  I figured that most of you that read this blog are true DIY'ers, so I think the lucky winner will really enjoy this subscription!  Next Tuesday I'll post the winner! 
THANK YOU!!!  :)


  1. I'm a follower! Maybe i'll win but in the meantime I think I need to run out and buy this mag!

  2. How exciting! I am a happy follower of your little blog, and I love it!

  3. What a great giveaway, I love it! I am already a follower!

  4. I follow, and love the blog!
    Love that magazine too. A subscription would be awesome!

  5. Great giveaway idea! I love your blog and am a follower!

  6. I've never actually seen that mag, looks awesome! I'm a follower here too :)

  7. I am a follower and I LOVE LOVE that magazine!

  8. What a great giveaway idea! Fingers crossed, because I love that magazine!

  9. How fun! I love your blog and I love contests!

  10. AHHHH
    What a great give away!!
    Not only do I follow you but you are on my blog list, on my blog, on the side, so I can check you every day!......Did that make sense!?
    I'm so excited!!

  11. Whoa, that's a seriously great giveaway! I love that magazine!

  12. I am a follower and I would LOVE to receive this magazine!

  13. I follow you on Google Reader and enjoy your blog very much. I know I would also like this great magazine. Thank You for offering it.

  14. I'm one of your newest followers and would love the magazine! ♥♫

  15. I am a huge fan of "Second Time",
    follow and read almost everyday,
    How 'bout I turn this into a rhyme?
    and express how much I would LOVE this giveaway!

  16. I have been happily following your blog and I LOVE all your stuff!! I got this magazine for the first time and it is great! What an awesome giveaway! Thanks!

  17. i am a follower! i always buy it off the news stand, so to have a subsciption would be pure joy!

  18. I'm a follower & sadly I have no magazine subscriptions. Thanks

  19. Love ur blog.... & yep I'm a follower! Mag looks aWeSoMe! Would love it! Thanks :)

  20. Count me in, what a great giveaway. There is so much to learn and this magazine looks like it will hold alot of imformation, I'm a follower too!


  21. I came over to become a follower and see you're having a fun giveaway! I'm impressed with your work - love the yellow dresser!

  22. I have been a follower of your blog...I love this magazine also...very nice Linda

  23. I have actually never read this magazine, but looks like something I need to check out! What a good idea for a giveaway! You know I'm happily following along!

  24. I'm a follower! Would love this magazine!!

  25. I follow your blog! I would love this magazine. I have picked up a couple at the Home Depot checkout in years past, but not recently. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  26. wow, that looks like a fun magazine. I am a follower and really enjoying your blog. I am re-doing goodwill chairs with spray paint and ikea fabric on the seats. It's all I have time for right now, but it's fun!


  27. Of course I'm a follower; I didn't know that this magazing existed! How fun!

  28. Just found your blog last week and I love what you do! Keep up the great work! Love the DIY mag too - I would love to not have to buy it each time - what a treat it would be to have it show up in my mail box. Thanks! Andrea

  29. I just found your blog via Back 2 Vintage blog. I love your furniture re-dos with the step-by step instructions. Thanx so much for sharing and enter me into the drawing. I love that magazine. Sneak a peek at my blog and please follow and leave a comment or suggestion Thanx, Tiff

  30. Wow! What a great giveaway! I am a follower. I love the work you do on changing up furniture. You've inspired me and I'm sure I'll be referring back to your blog when I re-do a piece of my own :)

  31. I am a follower, and i love seeing before an after projects i just love them, you do great work!! great giveaway i would love to win... thanks Agatha

  32. Wow what a great giveaway... your blog inspires me... I would love to win the subscription... thanks, Karen

  33. The magazine looks like a fun read!! Thanks for the giveaway!
    joylizotte at gmail. com

  34. Great blog! Love what I've seen so far... Awesome giveaway.

  35. I love your blog, and I love DIY magazine!

  36. I follow you and would love to get my hands on a subscription!!! I'm in need of inspiration!

  37. I follow! And I love this magazine! Thanks for the chance!

  38. I'm a follower!! And I think I would love this magazine! Great giveaway idea!

  39. Hi, I am now a follower of your blog. And it is a great one. I love the magazine. . . Hope I win. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It is much appreciated. Karie

  40. Just started reading your blog. Very inspiring! Love that magazine as well.

  41. I just saw this magazine at Target and I love it!! I have been so inspired by your blog! I started my first furniture makeover this week and I can't wait until it is finished!!

  42. JUST discovered your blog, I think through a link party thing. I don't remember how I got here but I am officially addicted. Is it okay if I tell people you are my new best friend?

  43. I just started following your blog! :) I have a newly found love for old things that I can put a little TLC into and make new. :)

  44. Hi Kim, I love following your blog and am completely inspired by do it yourself'ers like you!

  45. Love your blog, I have been following for awhile now and thank you for this wonderful giveaway! You do awesome work!

  46. I love your blog!!! We are playing a game and I have awarded 15 of my favorite blogs (you're one, obviously) a "Versitile Blogger" award! Come by to play! :)

  47. What a clever idea, Kimberly. Of course, I am a follower of yours and very proud of the work you do. But as your Mom, I will 'voluntarily' skip the giveaway :) What fun you are having!!

  48. That is a fantastic giveaway and I think I should win! ;) I thought I was a follower but I wasn't...but now I am!

  49. I'm a new follower and of course I want to win win win!! thanks for the fun blog


  50. I'm a tuning in to see what you are going to do next!

  51. I would love to have this magazine subscription since I am your newest follower because of how wonderful you did the blue dresser. I am an avid DIYer and do all kinds of refinishing projects. Check out my blog sometime.

  52. I love what you do and am now a follower!I would love to be a part of your giveaway!

  53. I follow your blog and I would LOVE the subscription!!! :)

  54. I a new follower - and not because of the giveaway!! It's just the icing on the cake :)

  55. I follow your blog. I love getting inspired by seeing what others are doing.

  56. Yay! Followed your link from DIY Showoff... what a great giveaway! I'm a follower now!

  57. Just discovered and signed up for your Blog...ultimately through Apartment Therapy.....

    Great Giveaway idea, count me in !!

  58. Just found your blog tonight through Hooking up with HOH. I love the magazine as well, I don't subscribe to it but pick it up at garage sales when I see it. What a treat it would be to have it arrive at my door!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! Have a happy day! :)