
Friday, April 1, 2011

Name Change~ Again!

So sorry for the confusion, but it seems as though another name change is in order.  It was brought to my attention that my new blog name was similar to a business name out there.  Out of respect for this business, I thought I'd give it another try. 

So, I've come up with a new name that I can hopefully keep ~ A Brush of Whimsy.

Hopefully, this will be it...fingers crossed!  :)

Thanks for hanging in there with me!


  1. I like it! I hope this one works out. It is hard to find something that is original. There was a name that I really loved, but found out it was taken as well.

  2. you are certainly keeping us on our toys but I do like the new name alot. Im trying to make some decisions on a chair im about to upholster if you wouldnt mind popping across to my blog id love your opinion. Ive got a few ideas posted but im very torn as this is a first project for me

  3. Good choice! I think it says what you want it to and it's catchy! Have a great day!

  4. Great name! It suits your blog perfectly!

  5. Perfect, Kim!

    Have a nice weekend! :)

  6. Ok, I totally thought this was an April Fool's joke! I have recently discovered your blog and have been following it almost daily enjoying all of your wonderful furniture transformations and name changes! I love your blog, so no matter what you call it or where I have to link to in order to find it, I will. Thanks for the inspiration and all of the tips, tricks and info.

  7. I like this name more anyway! How annoying for you to have to change it. But I think this one is going to stick!

  8. Oh what a pain for you changing your name again, but I am glad you found something you are happy with...go buy the .com domain name and then you know it is yours for keeps :)

    xx Karen

  9. I can see that you have put a lot of thought into the name of your blog. Fabulous change!! I like this the best of all the names. Sometimes other people's "issues" become a blessing when you just follow your heart. Well done, Kimberly. I will look forward to more of your creative and clever posts. :)

  10. What a cute transformation, lucky girl to get this dresser! The colour is perfect. How about a cute cushion for the stool with on each corner a big bow tied to the legs to keep it in place?
    I hope you have a nice week.

  11. Even with all the name changes we still think you're great! Because of that, we have nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award! Thanks for all that you share and do!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! Have a happy day! :)